Hello! I'm Rev. Allen,
I communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching, motivational speaking, writing, filmmaking and other creative gifts. My goal is to help believers SOAR in God’s purpose for their lives and prepare for JESUS' SECOND COMING.
I work with churches, ministries and christian organizations to help their people SOAR in the areas of: biblical literacy, discipleship, ministry leadership, personal/professional development and understanding the end times.
I do this by combining biblical teaching with 40+ years of life experience to connect with my audience…
Pastors and other leaders invite me to address their groups because they want biblically solid teaching, coupled with genuine examples of life-change in an effort to help those under their care to KNOW, LOVE and SERVE Jesus with excellence. I look forward to helping you SOAR in life for God’s glory!
You may be wondering: Why SOAR?
One of my all-time favorite quotes is by Helen Keller:
This quote has helped me press through my fears and insecurities in order to step out in faith to pursue God's purpose for my life. I believe its truth can help you as well. The 'upward call of God in Christ Jesus,' as referenced in Philippians 3:14, requires us to learn from Christ, how to rise above 'surface living' in order to SOAR in our God-given purpose. It is this understanding I seek to bring out in all that I do.
*SOARING ABOVE ADVERSITY: We often view adversity as external, but it can also be internal. In this keynote, Rev. Allen shares how a negative self-image led to his suicide attempt after high school and how, over time and through a variety of circumstances, God provided the tools for him to SOAR and pursue his life’s purpose as a preacher, speaker, teacher, author, artist and filmmaker. Through this presentation, Rev. Allen will help you gain insight on how to overcome the gravity of your own adversities in order to discover, develop and deploy your unique skill-set in order to live out your God-given dreams and purpose and fly in life!
*ABOVE ALL ELSE: As humans, we all participate in a variety of earth-based cultures. However, as Christ-followers we are called to pursue One Culture above all: The Culture of God’s Heavenly Kingdom. In this keynote, Rev. Allen unpacks the culture of God’s eternal kingdom and how it is to affect the way we live, love and lead in the “here and now.” The cultures of the world system and God’s kingdom are different. By realizing this, we can operate on a level beyond mere human capacity and truly become the lights of the world Jesus calls us to be!
*AFTER DEATH: We are born. We live. Then we die. But is that the end? The Bible says, “NO!” Do you know the central theme of the Bible? It’s RESURRECTION! In this keynote, Rev. Allen shares from his book, RESURRECTION: The BIG Picture of God’s Purpose and Your Destiny. He unpacks God’s plan of salvation showing why Jesus had to die and how His resurrection from the dead changes everything for those who believe - both in this life and in the eternal life to come.
*GOD IS SOVEREIGN: What does it mean that God is sovereign? What can we learn about this major attribute? Understanding God’s sovereignty can change the way we live: making us more daring, more impactful and more unshakable. In this keynote, Rev. Allen shares the truths found in his latest novel, SOVEREIGN. He also shares how he experienced God’s sovereignty in becoming an author of 10 books! You will also learn how God often takes us on the scenic route as He unfolds His plans for our lives and how to successfully cope when situations and timeframes don’t happen as we plan.
*LAST DAYS CONVERGENCE: Are we in the last days? Have the end times already begun? How can we know? If so, what are we to do? In this keynote, Rev. Allen unpacks Jesus’ teachings on the Last Days and “connects the dots” of Scripture with key events in history and modern developments in medicine, technology, politics and the environment so we can know where we are on God’s timeline as the end of the age draws near and Christ’s return fast approaches. Rev. Allen also provides practical steps we can take to make sure we are prepared spiritually, mentally and physically and digitally for what’s to come.
*THERE IS A BOOK IN YOU: Are you a Christ-follower who believes God has given you a message to share with the world in the form of a book, but you don't know where to start with writing your book? Have you been sitting on your book idea for weeks, months or even years for fear of the book writing process? Have you written a rough draft of your manuscript, but are lost on what the next step should be? In this Master Class presentation, Rev. Allen will walk you through the entire creative writing process he has used to self-publish 10 books! He will share how God called him to write and the ups and downs of his writing journey. He will provide the blueprint you need to go from being a writer to becoming a published author. Now more than ever, becoming a published author of high quality fiction and non-fiction books is accessible to anyone who has the calling, desire and will to complete the process. Rev. Allen believes everyone has at least 1 book in them. Are you ready to get yours written?
Book Launch
Book Re-launch
Why am I doing a Book Launch // Re-launch? I love all of my books, however, SOVEREIGN and RESURRECTION are the two most important books I have written to date. So, this summer, I want to spread the word so people can read them and be inspired to live for the glory of God
and His Eternal Kingdom.
CLICK HERE, to find out more about
my new novel, SOVEREIGN.
CLICK HERE, to find out more about
my previous book, RESURRECTION.
Watch two of Rev. Allen's Recent Sermons
"If you are looking for a speaker who can encourage, inspire and challenge people to develop an intimate relationship with God, please book this great man of God. He can encourage those who are dealing with real life issues and provide words of hope with God's word. He is amazing!! We look forward to him ministering to us again in the very near future."
- Rev. Delores Burnet, Associate Pastor, Harvest Fields Community Church, NY -
"Thank you so very much for all that you have done to make the College Bound Informational Service at our church such a great success! Everyone was truly refreshed and encouraged by your presentation, as you gave of your heart and soul. Your experience is impressive and you were able to draw your listeners in by your own story and natural brilliance. Thanks for your insightful perspective! I can assure you, you touched every heart."
- Norine Wilson-Henry, Grace International Ministries, NY -
"Mr. Weaver was phenomenal as a guest speaker for the graduation of the participants for the Justice Community Program, The Fatherhood Initiative and the Career Center. Mr. Weaver's delivery was concise and his message of "You Matter" was poignant and relevant to the population he addressed. Participants and staff alike truly enjoyed his impactful message."
- Faatimah Croston, The Osborne Association, NY -
"Rev. Allen is an excellent teacher on the book of Revelation, the significance of the End Times and why it should matter to the church. I had the pleasure of sitting in on several sessions as he facilitated thought-provoking discussions and 'connected the dots' of Old and New Testament Scripture with past and current societal events and trends. His teaching was very helpful to all who were present. If you are serious about preparing your heart and mind for our LORD's return, then you should pay attention to what Rev. Allen has to say."
- Dr. Kimathi Choma, Manhattan, KS -
"What an experience! Rev. Allen Paul Weaver III, I cannot begin to thank you enough for a well-structured and thorough presentation on "The Last Days." The comments received from the attendees confirm you were well prepared. Praying for your success."
- Rev. Dr. Wendy J. Kelly-Carter, 1st VP Congress of Christian Education, U.M.B.A., NY -
"As we progress through the End Times, it is necessary that the Body of Christ prepares for the 2nd Coming of Christ. God has prepared His servant, Rev. Allen Paul Weaver III, to teach us about the Signs of the Times, the book of Revelation and so much more. Rev. Allen explains God's Word so plain that you can see it as he teaches. I highly recommend him."
-Juanita Davis, President, Congress of Christian Education, U.M.B.A., NY -
"I have taken several End Time study sessions under the teaching of Rev. Allen Paul Weaver III. I personally feel his breakdown of the End Times teachings is God-given, needed for this Age we are in, and above all can save souls of those that are lost."
-Jason Polk, Bethesda Baptist Church of New Rochelle, NY-
"At the beginning of the Covid 19. Epidemic, Thessalonia Worship Center launch quickly into a prophetic mode. The church leadership made a conscious effort to seek and search the Word in order to find answers during these uncertain times. Thessalonia knew that it needed a biblical world view for this unprecedented moment in history. Rev. Allen Paul Weaver III was sought after and agreed to teach on the eschatological intertwine of the book of Revelation and today’s current events. The class was awesome! It was informative, provocative, empowering and transformational; connecting dots on a global scale and bringing clarity to things hidden in plain sight. The book of Revelation class answered questions like: what should we expect in this dispensation according to the Word? What does the Bible say about End-Times? How does Revelation speak to the social and political movement in today’s world? The underlined issue is that the church must be prepared (yes, for Jesus return but also) to respond, inform and guide folks during these chaotic times. There must be revelation coming from the church house and Rev. Allen Paul Weaver III provided a unique, thoughtful, empowering and pragmatic look at this End-Time neglected book. Every church needs this teaching series now!"
- Pastor Malobe Thessalonia Worship Center. Bronx NY-